Vitamin D is one of the nutrients we get asked about the most. But how important is it for our health? How do we know if we have enough or need to boost our levels? And can we do that with food? Find out more below.
Phytoestrogens post menopause
Glenville Nutrition Wright recently presented to 221+ CervicalCheck Patient Support Group. The talk was around dealing with post-treatment hormonal balance and surgical menopause. In this blog we outline some of the main points covered, including the benefits of phytoestrogens.
Bone broth
Boiling your bones is right in trend at the moment. However bone broth is far from new. Since the Stone Age soups were made by adding hot stones to the abdominal pouches of butchered animals to simmer up a nourishing feast of meat, fat, bones and herbs. Through the years most households would have a stock pot on the go for stews and soups. The arrival of the stock or bouillon cube heralded the end of this tradition in many cases however.
Maintaining good bone health
As the corona virus lockdown rages on, it is important that we don’t lose sight of maintaining our general health. This article is helpful for people with existing osteopenia or osteoporosis and for those who are at a higher risk of lower bone mineral density. Read on for some of the heavy hitters when it comes to good bone health.